Solar Financing Company

We will get solar company financing quotes for you at no charge so you can compare and find the best deal.


Compare cost, terms & interest when selecting a
Solar Financing Company

Solar Finances quotes can contain lots of fineprint.  Every financier will also present their quotes in a different format. We will simplify the contents of these quotes so that you can compare apples with apples.

Hidden extra fees

Compare the cost of upfront financing cost, mandatory insurance, monthly account admin fees and any add ons that you might miss.

Total Cost of Finance

We will present the total cost of finance figure for you so you can easily compare offerings and find the best solar financing deal.

Finance terms

There might be fine print that can have a severe impact on your deal.  What happens when you miss a month? Do you get penalised? Is it possible for the financier to cancel your agreement?

Length of repayment period

There will be a difference in repayment periods for different companies. This will impact your monthly fees and interest payable throughout the life-cycle of your loan.


Interest rates will vary based on your personal credit score – some solar financiers will be more lenient that others.


We will make sure to bring you offers from legit companies.  No loan sharks!

It's easy

We collect & simplify Solar Finance deals and qoutes for you

No need to get a degree in finance, electronics and physics.  We will get quotes and present them to you in a way you can understand so that you can compare different offerings, fairly.

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We will contact, compile and deliver Solar Finance quotes (that are easy to compare) at absolutely no cost to you.

Mahala. Free. Lekker!

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Why would you want to install a solar system For your business or home?

Apart from the energy crisis South Africans are facing, there are quite a number of upsides moving off the grid.

Reduced Electricity Bills

Solar panels can significantly reduce or even eliminate your monthly electricity bills, depending on the system size and your electricity consumption. With increasing energy prices, the savings can be substantial in the long run.

Clean Energy Production

Solar panels produce electricity without emitting greenhouse gases. By using solar energy, you’re decreasing the demand for electricity from fossil fuels and thereby reducing carbon emissions.

Energy Independence

Solar PV systems can make you less reliant on the grid and decrease your vulnerability to energy price fluctuations or supply disruptions.

Increase Property Value

Numerous studies have shown that homes equipped with solar panel systems have higher property values and sell more quickly than those without.

Low Maintenance

Once installed, solar PV systems require minimal maintenance. The absence of moving parts ensures a long lifespan with only occasional cleaning and routine check-ups.

Economic Stimulus

By investing in solar, you’re supporting the renewable energy industry, which can lead to job creation and technological advancement.

Tax Incentives and Rebates

Many governments offer tax credits, rebates, and incentives to reduce the cost of solar PV systems, making them more accessible and affordable.

Energy Storage

When paired with energy storage systems, like batteries, solar panels can provide power even during nighttime or cloudy days, ensuring consistent energy availability.

Sustainable Growth

Solar energy is renewable and abundant. Harnessing it helps ensure a sustainable energy future and reduces our reliance on finite fossil fuels.

Decrease in Solar Costs

Over the past decade, the cost of solar panels and related equipment has dropped significantly, making it more affordable for a larger segment of the population.

Grid Stability

On a larger scale, widespread adoption of solar can reduce the load on the grid during peak times, which can prevent blackouts and enhance overall grid resilience.

Improved Air Quality

By reducing the need for electricity from fossil fuel plants, solar energy can contribute to a reduction in air pollutants, resulting in cleaner air and better public health.

Scalability and Flexibility

Solar systems can be scaled to fit individual needs. You can start with a smaller system and expand later, or design a system that meets your specific energy consumption patterns.

Community Solar

For those who can’t install panels due to rental agreements or unsuitable rooftops, community solar projects offer a way to benefit from solar energy by buying into larger shared systems.

Reduced Water Usage

Unlike many traditional power plants, solar panels don’t require water to generate electricity. This can conserve valuable water resources, especially in drought-prone areas.

Trusted by residential and business owners


Frequently asked questions

How much does Sunbear cost to use?

It is 100% free to use and to get quotes.

How long does it take to get my quotes?

It takes roughly 2 – 3 business days.  We will be in contact if, for any reason, there is a delay.

What is PV Greencard?

PV Greencard is an intiative launched by the South African Photovoltaic Industry Association (SAPVIA) that ensure quality and safety standards that need to be adhered by all particpating suppliers.  Sunbear only works with PV Greencard suppliers.

What does it cost to install a Solar PV system?

You can expect to pay anything from R50 000 for a very basic system up to R250 000 for an off-the-grid solution.  It all depends on your needs.

Should I be worried about getting deals from fly-by night companies?

Rest assured – we only work with legitimate and established companies.

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