Fun Things to Do at Home During Loadshedding

With South Africa’s ongoing electricity crisis, it’s important to have engaging activities planned for those unexpected periods of loadshedding hitting your neighbourhood. Being stuck indoors without power can grow boring fast, but luckily there are many fun things to do at home during loadshedding to keep you and your family entertained during blackouts. Here are some top ideas:

Board Games

Classic board games like Scrabble, Monopoly, Clue, and Risk provide hours of interactive fun that require no electricity. Dig out old favourites from the closet or invest in new strategic games to play together as a family. Battery-powered games like Guess Who? also work great for passing time when the lights go out. Gather the whole household for some friendly competition doing fun things to do at home during loadshedding.

Card Games

Whether playing Go Fish, War, Uno, Bridge, or traditional card games like Spades and Rummoli, shuffling a deck provides simple yet engaging entertainment during blackouts. Poker night is another social option to build camaraderie by doing fun things to do at home during loadshedding.

Jigsaw Puzzles

Working together as a team to complete intricate jigsaw puzzles of scenic views and historic photographs develops problem-solving skills in a relaxed manner. Scatter pieces across a table and challenge each other putting together the colourful pieces as a fun thing to do at home during loadshedding.

Backyard Campouts

Pitch a tent in the garden and let kids’ imaginations run wild pretending to camp under the stars with a torch or lantern. Make some biscuits over an open fire or tell stories about taking outdoor adventures indoors as a fun thing to do at home during loadshedding.

Home Improvement Projects

Use downtime for productive DIY tasks like building furniture, mounting shelves, gardening, or creative art projects. Tackle indoor chores like decluttering or try your hand at woodworking to spark curiosity and learn new skills as fun things to do at home during loadshedding.

Games with Household Items

Items like socks, ribbons, cups, and toilet paper rolls provide homemade game potential. Games like sock bowling, ribbon cycling races, or homemade obstacle courses inspire physical activity and silliness as fun things to do at home during loadshedding.


Break out binoculars or a telescope on clear nights to admire the glittering night sky identifying constellations together. Guide each other to finding planets, nebulae, and galaxies as nature’s light show occurs overhead as a calming fun thing to do at home during loadshedding.

Shadow Puppet Shows

Get creative cutting paper shapes and holding them up to a torch projecting animal shadow puppets on walls. Present little shows entertaining younger siblings and spark imaginations in the process as a fun thing to do at home during loadshedding.

Candlelight Reading

Curl up with books, magazines, or storybooks, and take turns reading chapters aloud by candlelight. Choose favourites to continue adventures or explore new tales together as a fun thing to do at home during loadshedding.

Backyard Campfire

Build a contained campfire safely in the garden if weather permits and make s’mores or roast marshmallows swapping stories around its comforting glow. Enjoy the stick-cooked sweets with friends for a memorable social activity doing fun things to do at home during loadshedding.

Soap Carving

Provide bars of soap, knives, and carving tools for kids to sculpt their creativity by whipping up miniature creatures, shapes, or personalized designs. Display the unique creations afterward as artistic fun things to do at home during loadshedding.

Living Room Concerts

Bring out musical instruments, organize jam sessions, and take song requests serenading each other by torchlight. Play instruments, sing karaoke style, or form a homemade band putting on shows together as fun things to do at home during loadshedding.

Games with Flashlights

Play imaginative flashlight tag hiding and seeking in dim rooms or signal games outside. Trace shadow animals on walls or try the Limbo dances competition beneath raised flashlights for energetic fun things to do at home during loadshedding.

Outdoor Movie Nights

String up a bed sheet between trees and use a video projector, tablet, or phone to watch movies outside together. Pack blankets and popcorn transform the backyard into a drive-in theatre enjoying films as fun things to do at home during loadshedding.

Tell Tales by Firelight

Spice up storytelling by sharing spooky tales, urban legends, folklore, or family anecdotes together swapping imaginative stories each night. Spin frightening yarns or laugh together recalling memories around makeshift campfires as fun things to do at home during loadshedding.

Karaoke Under the Stars

Sing your favourite songs with the karaoke machine or just vocals out in the garden breathing in fresh air together. Take requests and cheer each other on belting tunes for lively group entertainment doing fun things to do at home during loadshedding.

While loadshedding disruptions grow bothersome, focusing on quality bonding activities provides much-needed levity and engagement indoors during blackouts. Prioritizing fun, learning, and togetherness helps overcome uncertainty positively with creativity and community spirit. Fun things to do at home during loadshedding help appreciate little moments of connection, even without power.

Parlour Games

Classic parlour games provide engaging indoor activities requiring minimal materials. Charades act out titles for others to guess entertainment. Pictionary pits artistic skills drawing clues teammates decipher. Headbands place objects on foreheads for questioning what’s there. These social games spark laughter by doing fun things at home during load shedding.

Dance Parties

Dim living rooms and pop up some upbeat playlists for impromptu dance parties. Take turns deejaying different music genres. Decorative glow sticks set the mood while busting moves. Outdoor LED string lights tied inside work too if the weather allows dancing al fresco as a fun thing to do at home during load shedding.

Scavenger Hunts

Hide small treasures or clues throughout the house then send groups searching with lists of objects to find. Take photos proving discoveries for rewards motivating problem-solving detection games. Backyard versions use flashlights detecting nature items like sticks or leaves for outdoor exploration fun.

Slumber Parties

Camping indoors, girls or boys gather pillows and blankets snacking on pizza and popcorn swapping stories into the night. Do each other’s hair and nails, play shadow puppet tales, or try DIY spa treatments for relaxed social fun. Movies on phones lend an atmosphere to doing fun things at home during load shedding.

Living Room Olympics

Host creative mini-games using random household props as equipment. Events include sock bowling, paper airplane distances, mini obstacle courses, and hula hoop contests. Award gold tin foil medals boosting team spirit and fun competition indoors.

Photo Scavenger Hunts

Challenge teams to find and photograph rare objects, places, or situations within time limits using only phone flashlights after dark. Clever perspectives earn the most points for exploring areas in new fascinating ways.


Unleash creativity with arts and crafting tutorials like friendship bracelet making, origami folding, tie-dye creations, paper mâché sculptures, or greeting card designing. Stock up on supplies beforehand for decorating fun indoors or outside.

Outdoor Movie Night

String up a bed sheet between trees and use a video projector, tablet, or phone to play movies outside in the backyard. Pack warm blankets and snacks transforming the space into an outdoor cinema.

Games with Glow Sticks

accessorize favorite games like hide and seek, tag, or obstacle courses using glow sticks as nighttime markers. Bend, stretch, and sculpt the glow sticks molding colourful creations as well. Their neon lights provide portable fun anywhere at home.

Games with Flashlights

Play imaginative shadow puppet shows on walls, signal games communicating in code, or flashlight tag navigating dim rooms safely indoors. Trace beam silhouettes racing or competing in flashlight limbo together.

Living Room Concerts

Bring out musical instruments, karaoke machines, or just vocals serenading each other outdoors in the garden breathing fresh evening air. Take song requests or form impromptu bands performing shows together.

Salt Dough Creations

Knead flour, salt, and water dough sculpting shapes that cure solid as keepsakes. Roll, cut, and decorate miniature animals, decorative slices, or personalized trinkets displaying artwork.

Indoor Picnics

Spread blankets on the living room floor packing cheese, crackers, and fruits for cozy indoor eating. Play soft background music setting a relaxed tone. Use unique dishes or serve on paper pointing emphasis on company.

Yoga or Exercise

Lead stretches, cardio moves or balance poses together playing calming music. YouTube has follow-along videos across all skill levels toning together for mind-body wellness. Deep breaths centre focus on presence together.

Outdoor Games

When the weather allows, enjoy modified backyard versions of tag, Simon says, duck duck goose, or red-light, green light under the stars. Physical fun provides welcomed energy bursts when cooped inside.

Shadow Drawing

Trace projected shadow silhouettes on large paper or walls. Guess figures together or have others mimic poses perfectly. Display completed works complementing creativity. Flashlights lend theatre to imaginative performances.

Sketch by Flashlight

Bring art supplies outside and sketch Nature scenes, constellations, or each other’s profiles using just dim illumination. Appreciate nature’s beauty while exercising observation muscles. Display or swap finished portraits.

Indoor Miniature Golf

Place objects in a zig-zag path crafting an indoor mini-golf course. Use golf ball-sized items to navigate obstacles like furniture or toys swing improvised putters and score holes successfully.

Obstacle Courses

Design an indoor or outdoor route weaving through spaces. Place markers like glow sticks signaling jumps, crawls, or manoeuvres testing agility, balance, and coordination competing against the clock as a group.

Scavenger Photo Hunts

Send teams searching the property or neighbourhood after dark capturing assigned items or situations on camera. Points earned for the rarest finds motivate exploration and creativity documenting discoveries together.

Quiet Activities

When others sleep, engage quietly together doing puzzles, building with LEGOs, colouring intricate pictures, or journaling about the day reflecting on experiences bonding at a subdued level. Respect others allowing fun at a lower volume.

Educational Activities

While fun remains essential during loadshedding, educational activities provide mental stimulation by balancing screen time. Spark curiosity by organizing nature scavenger hunts identifying plants, rocks, or animal tracks. Test geography by locating places on maps or try DIY astronomy to find constellations together. Conduct science experiments observing chemical reactions or investigating the properties of light, sound, or magnets. Math games like mental arithmetic races or puzzle solving keep minds engaged productively.

Magic Trick Workshops

Amaze each other by learning simple illusions with everyday objects like cards or coins. Practice sleight of hand tricks perfecting techniques together boosting dexterity and teaching patience. Perform shows proudly displaying new skills learned while incorporating fun into focus.

DIY Instrument Making

Tap into creativity by constructing drum sets from plastic containers, rain sticks from branches, or string instruments from empty jars. Experiment with tapping rhythms or melodies on uniquely sourced sounds collaborating on tunes together. Display handcrafted pieces proudly.

Spa or self-care

Relax tensions by doing manicures, facials, or massage trades with soothing music. Brew herbal tea soaks or DIY treatments like sugar body scrubs, clay masks, or lotions from household ingredients. Appreciate moments of calm indoors together or solo.

Art galleries

Curate exhibits showcasing members’ artwork, photography, poems, or other creations displayed in dining areas or living spaces. Guest-judge pieces or provide thoughtful feedback cultivating appreciation for others’ talents. Nourish creative spirits.


Spin adventurous folklore, urban myths, or family anecdotes swapping tales together in the warmth indoors or while stargazing outside. Take turns adding plot twists to collaborative narratives sparking interest through descriptive dialects. Preserve oral traditions together.

Karaoke Lounge

Set up a makeshift version with song lyrics projected and microphones and sing favourite duets or solos testing vocal ranges. Applaud each performance boosting confidence and memories made bonding through tunes.

Photo Scrapbooking

Assemble creative keepsakes arranging memories captured into meaningful arrangements. Journal prompts or warm reminders inspire reflection on life’s beautiful simplicities. Preserve moments to cherish past disruptions brought closer together.

Letter Writing

Pen thoughtful notes to loved ones near or far expressing care, reminiscing on fondest exchanges, or envisioning hopes for future reunions. Reply with care packages or meet-ups strengthening valuable connection through correspondences.

Movie Night Snacks

Pop buttery popcorn or melt chocolatey s’mores indoors. DIY crispy pizza pockets, nachos, fried banana boats, or loaded baked potatoes savoured together watching films. Thoughtful treats uplift spirits through thoughtful details.


Try calm breathing, visualization, or gentle yoga to relax your mind before bedtime. Dim lights and play peaceful nature sounds unwinding imbalance through mindfulness refreshing minds for tomorrow’s unknowns. Find inner solace together.

Family Game/Trivia Night

Test knowledge on topics like history, arts, science, or pop culture in competitive yet light-hearted teams. Award silly prizes for champions or most enthusiastic participants uplifting spirits laughing together. Learn while bonding over challenges.

Photo Projects

Compile pictures into organized albums, journals, calendars, framed collages, or slideshow videos creatively. Memoir-making preserves moments to value always through thoughtful details. Display finished works proudly chronicling lived experiences.

Door/Window decor

Express gratitude, inspiration, or community with positive quotes, artwork, or lights brightening doors visible to neighbours. Messages on sidewalks using rocks or chalk uplift others through trying times uniting neighbourhoods in solidarity.

Community Outreach

Volunteer helping vulnerable neighbours with tasks as permitted. Check-ins, deliveries, tutoring, or acts of service uplift the spirits of all through cooperation. Virtual meetups boost togetherness when apart extending care beyond walls. True resilience emerges from unity.

Expressive Arts

Unlock inner creativity through poetry, journaling, painting, sculpture, or music composition inspired by sensations, experiences, or emotions. Non-judgmental sharing cultivates appreciation for diverse talents celebrated together. Find peaceful catharsis through creative outlets.

Neighbourhood Cleanups

Conduct neighbourhood cleanups outside individually or in shifts removing litter and nourishing environments walked daily. Student volunteering earns required hours through mindful service bettering shared spaces enjoyed by all. Foster civic responsibility and wellness.

Nature Journaling

Observation and documentation connect deeper to environments explored regularly. Descriptions, illustrations, or photographs of sights, sounds, and changes across seasons in neighbourhood parks cultivate appreciation and stewardship of shared natural gifts. Preserve memories for future education as well.

Recycling Projects

Upcycle discarded materials into new functional or decorative objects. Transform plastic bottles into vases, tiles into coasters, or fabric scraps into reusable produce bags. Fundraisers sell repurposed goods donating profits to meaningful causes empowering change.

In closing, this exploration has highlighted the abundance of engaging activities possible even when confined indoors without access to screens or other technologies during unexpected loadshedding periods. By nurturing creativity, togetherness, and personal wellness through fun projects, communities can stay mentally and physically active through disruptions in positive ways.

While loadshedding inevitably introduces difficulties, focusing on strengthening relationships through quality time, acts of service, and celebrations of local talents leaves neighbourhoods better equipped to thrive despite obstacles. Flexible planning helps adjust scheduled events and prioritize vulnerable neighbours while sharing resources reduces individual burdens and isolation.

Cultivating passions and hobbies, educational exploration, artistic expression, and physical activity provide healthier outlets than boredom or frustration when caught off guard without power. Appreciating nature’s beauty and crafting thoughtful surprises for others lifts communal spirits above narrow circumstances.

Most importantly, proactively deepening understanding and cooperation between all community members ensures resilience emerges from unity instead of divides during crises. Checking on elderly or at-risk neighbours, organizing youth mentorship and tutoring programs, assisting with chores, or delivering supplies to those sheltering alone strengthens invaluable social support networks.

Overall, challenging times often bring out society’s best when met with empathy, compassion, and creative problem-solving from grassroots participation rather than apathy. By fostering an inclusive spirit of collaboration, neighbourhoods can not only weather unpredictable disruptions but grow closer through shared experiences cultivating positivity even from negatives. With ongoing acts of Good Samaritanism and prioritizing vulnerable communities, load-shedding’s hardships can be overcome through strengthened community ties by applying solutions together from the ground up.

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