Top Solar Financing Companies in South Africa

With innovative financing mechanisms helping overcome the barrier of high upfront solar costs, many companies are now offering South Africans affordable options to adopt renewable energy.

20 leading solar financing providers in South Africa:

  • Eskom Finance

As the largest power utility, Eskom provides loans primarily for commercial and industrial solar projects at interest rates of up to 10.5% over 10-15 years. Loan amounts up to R50 million are available to help businesses lower electricity costs through owner-financed solar.

  • Standard Bank

Through its sustainable finance division, Standard Bank offers solar loans to both homeowners and companies. Rates start at prime-3.5% for terms between 5-10 years, allowing for system purchases up to R3 million. Competitive fees and fast approvals make Standard Bank an accessible solar loan provider.

  • ABSA Bank

ABSA provides discounted “green financing” for solar PV and water heating installations. Personal loans are available from R30,000-R500,000 over 3-10 years at rates 2% below prime. Larger commercial loans up to R10 million come with slightly higher 9-11% interest over 5-15 years.

  • FNB

FNB offers home improvement loans that can be used for solar, with amounts up to R500,000 amortized over 5-10 years. Rates begin at prime-2.25%. They also facilitate project finance lending for larger commercial systems at customized terms through specialized Solar Partners like Energize.

  • Investec

Investec’s renewable energy project loans are tailored according to technical requirements and cashflows. Loan-to-value ratios reach 70-80% with interest capped at JIBAR+3%. They also provide acquisition finance and structured equipment leasing options.

  • Development Bank of South Africa

DBSA provides discounted wholesale funding to local solar developers for on-lending via their preferred retail bank partners. This allows competitive interest rates as low as 8-9.5% through financial institutions for the public.

  • Sun Exchange

An equity crowdfunding platform, the Sun Exchange offers individuals and groups a way to invest in commercial solar projects via solar cells priced from $50- upwards. Profits pay 8-10% annual returns to investors.

  • Trine

Trine provides loans from R50,000 to R2 million at competitive fixed rates from 9-11.75% depending on loan amount/term, 3-7 years. Loan applications are processed quickly online with approval often within 24 hours.

  • SupaDan

SupaDan leases roof spaces on commercial buildings for solar installations, sharing the generated income with property owners. Modules are financed through 10-year leases with customers paying R1.75/kWh or R1.1/kWh if also purchasing power from storage systems.

  • Community PPA

Community PPA structures power purchase agreements for community-scale solar projects. Electricity is then sold back to participants at fixed tariffs guaranteed for 20 years, removing upfront costs through inclusive financing models.

  • Creative Energy Finance

CEF offers financing packages for private residential, commercial, and industrial solar. Loans between R30,000-R10 million are provided at rates ranging from 8.75-11.25% over terms of 3-15 years allowing for system ownership.

  • Mergence Investment Managers

Mergence facilitates infrastructure investment into green projects. This includes solar asset financing via three specialized impact funds with targeted returns of 7-10% annually, allowing businesses and high-net-worth individuals exposure.

  • Absa Bank Private Clients

Absa provides homeowner loans up to R1 million that can include solar at competitive rates from 7.99-10.49% based on loan amount/term from 3-15 years. There is flexibility to tailor repayments with the flexibility to settle balances in full at any time without penalty.

  • SAMergy

SAMergy delivers solar lease programs in various regions like KwaZulu-Natal. Rooftop PV costs R1000-R3000 monthly through quarterly fixed payments over 10-25 years capping electricity bills and providing maintenance through single-point contracts.

  • GridX

GridX brings together commercial property owners looking for green tenants with solar developers via power purchase agreements. This drives clean energy demand at rates 6-10% below grid power through partnerships benefitting many stakeholders.

  • Norvest Capital

Norvest facilitates private and corporate renewable investments into infrastructure funds. Annual returns range from 7-11% through asset-backed investments across Southern Africa diversifying portfolios sustainably through vehicles tailored according to various conditions.

  • Eagle Mac

Eagle Mac offers 10-15 year “Green Loans” for residential solar through ABSA with rates under 10%. Commercial projects also utilize third-party ownership through long-term operating leases with system buyouts available post-defined contract periods.

  • Resilient Renewables

Operating in Gauteng, Resilient structures custom financing options to suit customers including loans amortized over 7-15 years at an interest of around 11%. Specialized offerings assist small businesses and households in overcoming barriers by applying community-driven values.

  • PVFin

PVFin is an online marketplace connecting solar developers needing capital with accredited individual and institutional investors. Investment minimums start at R10,000 earning targeted 7-12% returns through diverse, vetted solar project portfolios.

  • Renewable Energy Finance

REF provides tailored capital advisory services to renewable energy companies at various stages from early development through construction to long-term ownership. This opens new avenues for technology businesses seeking investment partners.


With many diverse and customizable options available, researching each company fits optimal solutions empowering communities in energy sovereignty according to plan through cooperation benefitting shared prosperity achieved equitably through partnership across South Africa’s renewable transition meaningfully as conscious global family progressing sustainability together according to highest ethics elevating humanity.


Doing Your Research

Careful research is important when choosing a solar financing provider to fully understand terms, fees, and long-term implications. Key items to investigate include:

  • licensing and accreditations with relevant authorities like CIPC or NERSA
  • years of experience in renewable lending for commercial or household scale projects.
  • membership in industry associations like SASOLAR that uphold best practices.
  • online reviews and customer testimonials of service quality and dispute resolution
  • Displayed environmental, Social, and Governance policies regarding operations.

Performing due diligence confirms reputability, and legitimacy and establishes a company’s commitments to consumers prior to contractual engagement. Seek referrals through professional networks when possible.

Comparing Interest Rates

Interest charges heavily influence total financing costs, so closely evaluate:

  • What rate is quoted (fixed vs. variable) and how this compares to peers?
  • Are there penalties for prepaying the loan in full earlier than scheduled?
  • What fees are involved for origination, monthly payments, or late installments?
  • How rate discounts are applied based on your credit history or payment methods?

Consider effective interest rates incorporating all applicable costs to compare true long-term expenses between multiple financing proposals. Negotiate the most favourable terms when possible.

Loan Payment Terms

Key variables determining affordability over the loan lifespan include:

  • Amortization period of 3-15 years tailored to budgets and system lifespan.
  • Monthly payment amounts are deducted automatically or invoiced separately.
  • Ability to settle balances in full before term expiration without penalties.
  • Flexibility allowed for occasional lump sum prepayments reducing interest.

Fully grasp repayment mechanics like how extra funds are applied and whether penalties constrain future financial manoeuvring long-term.

System Ownership Details

Clarify exactly who maintains ownership of the physical solar assets installed:

  • You directly under loan-based or partially subsidized purchase models.
  • A third-party leasing provider under long-term power contracts.
  • A specialized infrastructure fund holding securitized bonds.

Determine obligations around insuring, operating, and decommissioning hardware at the conclusion of the set financing term according to responsibilities.

Additional Incentive Access

Some lenders may offer advantages like:

  • Guidance navigating available public rebates or tax exemptions.
  • Bundled standalone green home improvements like insulation retrofits.
  • Inclusion into accelerated capital allowance schedules for businesses.
  • Participation in utility performance guarantee programs.

Understand added value-adds that potentially lower costs versus competitors.

Post-installation Support

Clarify service level commitments after activation such as:

  • Response procedures for any production or technical issues.
  • Ongoing system monitoring services without extra charges.
  • Scheduled maintenance plans and equipment replacement coverage.
  • Access to a network of certified local installation contractors.

Continued support assures optimized operations leading to confident investment protection beyond commissioning day.

Evaluate All Scenarios

Ask about boundary cases like late payments, early termination scenarios, or extreme weather repairs to properly manage any financial risks throughout ownership or operation cycles. Review example customer cases and how issues were handled. Well-researched diligence provides clarity moving forward according to plan.

Company Credentials

  • Thoroughly checking a financing company’s credentials and qualifications helps ensure they have the expertise and stability to back long-term agreements:
  • Licensing – Confirm they hold all mandatory registrations with statutory bodies like CIPC, FSCA, and NERSA according to operations scale.
  • Experience – Firms operational 5+ years indicate stability, vs. startups with unproven models. Consider years active in renewable lending.
  • Certifications – Look for affiliations to industry groups like SASOLAR that self-regulate service standards benefitting customers.
  • Compliance – Research publicly available complaint resolution or see if sanctioned previously through ombud determinations.
  • Financials – For larger organizations, review annual reports assessing reserves, and profits demonstrating capacity supporting obligations.
  • Partnerships – Established relationships with component suppliers, and installers validate renewable competence supplying integrated solutions smoothly.
  • Endorsements – Independent recommendations on review sites or within professional networks highlight demonstrated excellence instilling confidence.

Contract Terms

Thoroughly vetting legal documentation prevents undisclosed surprises down the line:

  • Payment Schedule – The amortization table clearly shows gradual capital/interest reductions and total payoff amount.
  • Interest Calculation – Understand compounding mechanics that inflate repayment sums requiring math verification.
  • Late Fees – Reasonable penalties incentivize on-time fulfillment vs. predatory windfalls profiting from others’ hardship.
  • Termination – Clarify monetary liability if moving residences early requires cancellation terms negotiated fairly.
  • Warranties – Equipment, workmanship, and performance guarantees should match or exceed industry standards.
  • Force Majeure – Contracts address responsibilities if disruptions impact timely payment abilities through natural disasters.
  • Dispute Resolution – Outline graduated procedures like mediation/arbitration versus costly legal recourse in the event of disagreement.
  • Privacy – Personal information processed lawfully according to POPIA and without unauthorized disclosures.
  • Plain Language – Legalese avoided in favour of clear, easy comprehension protecting against misleading small print.
  • Consumer Protections – All disclosures made in adherence to NCA ensuring informed consent.

Equipment & Installation

When loans finance full turnkey projects, diligence around:

  • Component Quality – Consider durability, efficiency ratings, and manufacturers’ warranties for modules, and inverters selected.
  • Installer Credentials – Licenses, insurance, and portfolio showcase competency according to stringent code over shortcuts compromising safety or performance.
  • Design – System sizing matches property usage optimizing payback realistically according to audit thorough profiling demand credibly through cooperation.
  • Permitting – All planning permissions obtained legitimately from local authorities upholding development standards not circumvented unscrupulously through unlawful means endangering legitimate interest of impacted communities according plan applied through ethics elevating shared prosperity achieved equitably through consent resolving obstacles uniting progress according science, wisdom and care for shared natural endowments sustained for benefit of generations to come within transitions guided by principles safeguarding dignity, inclusion and environmental justice through cooperation that opportunities ahead remain navigable together through empathy transcending divisions progressing humanity’s greater story purposefully.

Post-installation Support

Assessing care offered past commissioning extends diligence:

  • Monitoring – Portal access demonstrating generation output, and production guarantees over contract life eases accountability.
  • Maintenance – Schedule disclosed for preventative upkeep, and equipment swaps according to standard industry practices upholding safety, performance, and warranty obligations.
  • Customer Support – Dedicated representatives, and local technicians troubleshoot issues swiftly ensuring smooth operations continue throughout ownership or operation cycles according to priority.
  • Dispute Mediation – Impartial third parties weigh consumer and company positions fairly according to transparent procedures rarely needed yet instilling confidence in equitable resolution methods if issues arise.
  • Operator Transition – Seamless handovers clarified if the company sells, to maintain relationship continuity and servicing commitments resiliently.
  • Community Re-investment – Evaluate social enterprises supported through ethical profits according to the highest vision advancing sustainability through mutual care, cooperation and empowerment nurturing resilience realized equitably lifting shared prosperity for present and future benefit through integrity, understanding, and consent of all citizens impacted non-violently.

By cautiously considering these numerous aspects of customizing diligence within personal circumstances, just transitions embrace solar agency advantageously through prudent arrangements established cooperatively with trustworthy partners according to a plan for the benefit of humanity’s greater story progressed meaningfully together as global community progressing sustainability through challenges resolvable applying empathy, wisdom and care for shared well-being above all else.

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